Start by choosing an assessment that’s appropriate for your course and goals. The following ten tests from the Cornell Suite of Economics Assessments are available now:
- PESA-Micro, the Principles of Economics Skills Assessment for Microeconomics
- PESA-Macro, the Principles of Economics Skills Assessment for Macroeconomics
- MESA-Foundations, the Mathematics for Economics Skills Assessment, appropriate for introductory courses
- MESA-Intermediate, the Mathematics for Economics Skills Assessment, appropriate for intermediate-level courses
- ESSA, the Economic Statistics Skills Assessment
- AESA, the Applied Econometrics Skills Assessment
- AESA-Core, the Applied Econometrics Skills Assessment, Core Skills
- IESA-Micro, the Intermediate Economics Skills Assessment for Microeconomics
- IESA-Macro, the Intermediate Economics Skills Assessment for Macroeconomics appropriate for intermediate-level courses
- AMA, the Academic Mindset Assessment
Follow the links above to learn more about each assessment including the learning goals that each evaluates.
If you teach economics at the college level, we can send you the questionnaires for any of these assessments. Just make a request:
Ask for assessment questionnaires.
Several more assessments are currently under development, so contact us if you don’t see what you’re looking for. If you are interested in using the Council for Economic Education's Test of Understanding College Economics (TUCE), it is available at Ready Assessments on EconEdLink.